Webinar Event

An Introduction to the Life and Teaching of Adi Da Samraj

This introductory online meeting is for anybody who has newly discovered Adi Da Samraj and His Teaching.
The one hour event is a great follow up for those who have also seen the Conscious Light film and are curious to learn more about Adi Da Samraj and what is different about the way he offers. You are welcome to ask questions, or just listen in (and be anonymous).
Sessions include short video footage of Avatar Adi Da discoursing on various subjects and students of his speaking about their personal experience of their relationship to him. These online events are FREE. All are welcome!

Events are currently offered in English and Spanish (with “question translators*” present for Europe events).

Register for Events

North America – English

Date Time

Spanish – N. & S. America

Date Time

Europe/UK – English

Date Time
The last Wednesday of every month 8pm Amsterdam/Berlin/Paris, 7pm London (see options on registration form)

Italian – Europe

Date Time

India – English

Date Time
First Tuesday of every month 8pm Chennai/Mumbai

If you don’t see the order form to the right, please click here to register for your event.