“Illuminating, moving. Beautiful in its simplicity yet brilliantly profound.”
—Ray Lynch
Three-time Billboard award winning musician/composer/producer
“Powerful. What we would see if we were really serious about understanding consciousness.”
—Jeffrey J. Kripal, PhD
Scholar of Comparative Religion
“Conscious Light is a powerful glimpse into the extraordinary life and purpose of one of the most profound spiritual teachers of the modern world.”
—Stuart Gibson
Senior International Advisor on Museums, Archaeology and Cultural Policy – UNESCO
“Conveys Adi Da’s Radiance very beautifully and with great power.”
—Ronald Steckel
Filmmaker and Author, Dawn in Ascent – Homage to Jacob Boehme,
The Enchanting Light of Utopia
“I regard Heart-Master Adi Da as one of the greatest teachers in the Western world today.”
—Irina Tweedie
Sufi teacher; author, Chasm of Fire
“It is obvious, from all sorts of subtle details, that he knows what IT’s all about . . . a rare being.”
—Alan Watts
Author, The Way of Zen; Nature, Man & Woman; and In My Own Way
“Adi Da Samraj is truly a Master of the Heart. A Great and Rare Being of Exquisite Softness and Extraordinary Genius.”
—Jane Yang
Chi‑Gong Master
“The life and teaching of Avatar Adi Da Samraj are of profound and decisive spiritual significance at this critical moment in history.”
—Bryan Deschamp
Former Senior Advisor at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees
“Adi Da’s Teachings have tremendous significance for humanity. He represents a foundation and a structure for sanity.”
—Robert K. Hall, MD
Psychiatrist; author, Out of Nowhere; co-founder, The Lomi School and The Lomi Clinic
“Adi Da Samraj is a pole around which the world can get its bearings.”
—Henry Leroy Finch
Author, Wittgenstein—The Early Philosophy and Wittgenstein—The Later Philosophy
“Adi Da Samraj has spoken directly to the heart of our human situation—the shocking gravity of our brief and unbidden lives.”
—Richard Grossinger
Founder, North Atlantic Books
Author, Planet Medicine, The Night Sky, and Embryogenesis
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